Curriculum - PE

Statement of Intent

PE at St Stephen’s C of E Primary School aims to develop a fun, high-quality physical education curriculum that inspires all pupils to succeed and excel individual’s abilities in competitive sports and other physically-demanding activities. We will provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Our children will have opportunities to compete in sport and other activities that build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. PE at St Stephen’s is an imperative element of the curriculum, which develops a need for healthy life styles, a balanced diet, positive growth mind-set and the resilience to persevere with activities that may be once have felt too difficult. We are passionate about the need to teach children how to cooperate and collaborate with others, as part of a team, understanding fairness and equity of play to embed life-long values.

‘Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or walk around it’ - Michael Jordan


In order to meet out Statement of Intent, all classes will receive two PE lessons each week, totalling no less than 2 hours in total. PE lessons are fully inclusive with all pupils active and engaged throughout the lesson. PE lessons are delivered either by the class teacher (following the Scheme of Work) or specialist coaches that will work alongside teachers and teaching assistants to develop and enhance staff’s knowledge and skills. Health and fitness is promoted throughout school. Staff dress appropriately, displays promote physical activity. Out of school achievements are celebrated.

EYFS and Key Stage 1 lessons will focus on the development of fundamental movements through multi-skill lessons. Pupils are set individual and group tasks in order to develop additional skills such as team work, communication and leadership. Key Stage 2 planning will focus on revisiting and building on the knowledge, skills and techniques acquired in Key stage 1 and applying them across a large variety of sports. Staff follow a well-planned, progressive curriculum; that ensures skills are developed through a range of topics including dance, games (invasion, net, wall, striking and fielding), gymnastics, swimming and athletics. The PE scheme of work progressively builds on key knowledge, skills and techniques. Pupils will be taught how to develop flexibility, strength, technique, control, agility, co-ordination and balance. They will be helped to master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching and then given the opportunity to apply these in a range of activities. Children will be given the opportunity within lessons to work independently and within teams in both competitive and non-competitive situations. Pupils are helped to set themselves personal challenges and then taught the necessary skills to achieve them.

All pupils are given the opportunity to represent the school in a sporting event at inter-school level (competitions and festivals). We work closely with our local Sports Partnership Schools to provide our pupils with as many sporting opportunities as possible, throughout the year. We maintain close links with local clubs and coaches and direct pupils towards them.

In addition to this, teaching assistants and lunchtime staff will organise and encourage activities and provide equipment to encourage active playtimes. Equipment and activities will be varied throughout the year. Children will be offered a range of sporting afterschool clubs throughout the year.

Impact: What difference is the curriculum making to our pupils?

Data gathered annually shows that our pupils:

  • understand the benefits of exercise on both physical and mental health.
  • have improved fitness levels.
  • have a positive and engaged attitude towards PE / physical activity.
  • have developed flexibility, strength, technique, control, agility, co-ordination and balance.
  • they have mastered basic movements including; running, jumping, throwing and catching and are able to apply these to a range of sports.
  • many will have taken their interest and enthusiasm for a particular type of sport and continued to pursue it out of school.
  • have increased self-esteem through representing the school in competitions and festivals involving other schools.
  • leave us able to swim 25 metres

We measure impact by the use of lesson observations, pupil voice and questionnaires.

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